Trixie is a beautiful and sweet mixed-breed dog who was rescued by Almost Home Foundation when she was 9 months old, and adopted by my family shortly thereafter. When she was originally found, in southern Illinois, she had already had a litter of puppies, even though she wasn't even a year old yet. She enjoys chewing on bones, taking long walks, chasing squirrels and birds, and nibbling on her stuffed animals. Her favorite toy is her stuffed Snoopy! Trixie loves everyone, and is great with kids. She doesn't have a mean bone in her body! She will eat almost anything, especially people food.
Lily was part of an accidental litter of puppies born to dogs owned by a family I used to be friends with. I was actually there to assist with her birth! The family intended on keeping Lily, but she was not the most well-behaved dog, and she had difficulties with becoming housetrained and barking too much. I used to bring her to my house to play with Trixie, who thought she was the coolest toy ever! I permanently adopted her when she was a year old. Lily is a little skittish around strangers, but sweet to the people she knows and loves. Her favorite passtime is playing with her huge collection of small squeaky tennis balls! Her favorite snack is carrots.
Throughout her life Chopper was known for her gentleness, her love of all people, and her special friendship with our cat Sammy-Joe. When I worked as a respite worker for kids with special needs, I would sometimes bring her with me. The children I cared for still remember her, and they are adults now!
She would often smile, with her teeth, just like a person. It was her trademark, and I looked forward to seeing that grin each time I came home from somewhere.
She died in 2007, and has been watching us all from Heaven ever since.
Sammy-Joe was the first pet I had while living on my own. He was given to me for my birthday. Sammy-Joe was a playful kitty who was known for his playful bites and scratches when he was young! He loved to "hunt," and would sneak up and attack your leg when you were least expecting it! When I eventually moved back home, Sammy-Joe had a big adjustment to make... he went from being my only pet, to living with a dog. But soon he and Chopper became best friends, and they would play together every day, with the cat often winning their play-fights.
Sammy-Joe's favorite food was tunafish! His favorite toy was catnip mice, and he knew how to play "fetch." When you threw him a mouse, he would chase it, pick it up by it's tail, return to you, and drop it in front of you. He could also catch a toy with his paws! He had his own fort in the basement, where he could hide out from the dogs in his later years. Sammy-Joe went to Heaven in February of 2013, but I have often felt his presence with me here on Earth.
1 comment:
We are so sorry to hear that precious Sammy-Joe passed away last year. Our purrs to you.
Be Well Sweet Sammy-Joe
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